
Download The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
Download The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

download The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Another prequel was released exclusively to DirecTV on September 21, 2017, before receiving a wider release on video on demand and in limited theaters, simultaneously in North America on October 20, 2017. It was followed by a prequel, TheTexas Chainsaw. A straight remake was released by Platinum Dunes and New Line Cinema in 2003. The first sequel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986), was banned in Australia for 20 years before it was released on DVD in a revised special edition in October 2006. No-one who has ever seen the original The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) is ever likely to forget the experience. The film has been followed by seven other films to date, including sequels, prequels and remakes. It led to a franchise that continued the story of Leatherface and his family through sequels, prequels, a remake, comic books and video games. The film is credited with originating several elements common in the slasher genre. It has since gained a reputation as one of the best and most influential horror films. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre was banned in several countries. The character of Leatherface was inspired by the crimes of murderer Ed Gein. Liverpool University Press, Performing Arts - 107 pages 0 Reviews Reviews arent verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when its identified No-one who has ever. The film was marketed as being based on true events but its plot is largely fictional. Partain, Edwin Neal, Jim Siedow and Gunnar Hansen. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a 1974 American slasher film directed by Tobe Hooper.

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